Designing a Memorable Sign for Your Business
In a business landscape that’s only becoming more competitive as time goes on, it’s imperative not just to ensure that your brand is visible– you need to make sure that your brand is memorable, too.
The business sign is an excellent way to accomplish both visibility and memorability– design correctly, it can attract the attention of your community and draw in potential customers while also leaving a lasting impact on the people who see it.
Here are a few tips and tricks to make sure that your business sign does an effective job capturing your brand’s essence while leaving a positive and long-lasting impact on the right people– that is, your target audience.
1. Understand the Brand
You might not be 100% certain what a brand identity really is. That’s OK– it’s not exactly common knowledge!
Your brand identity encapsulates the ideal way that you’d like to shape your customers’ perception of your brand. How do you want people to feel when they interact with your products or services, or even just come across your signage or advertising?
What are some visuals that you can use to accomplish this? We always recommend making a moodboard to help you narrow down exactly what you want your brand identity to look like. Color, visual elements, and logo are all important aspects of a brand identity– and keeping all of these consistent across all platforms will help to create a memorable impression on your customers, too.
In order to ensure that your sign is effective and memorable, make sure that it really follows the brand identity that you’ve established. If you’re not sure how to do this, be sure to ask one of our graphic designers!

2. Keep it simple!
Simplicity is always key when it comes to sign design. You want your customers to be able to absorb the information on your sign as easily as possible– so it’s important to figure out what information is necessary and stick to that.
If you have too much visual clutter on your sign, people won’t be able to easily determine the message of your sign at a glance, and since the vast majority of people will only give the sign a glance, you’ve already lost them.
Keep it visually clean with easily legible fonts, and make sure it’s the correct size for the context (for example, a highway sign outside a truck stop restaurant looks very different from a sidewalk sign outside a small business!)
3. Color Theory
Colors are vital for creating a visually cohesive and memorable sign.
Choose colors that are consistent with your brand identity and are carefully considered to evoke the proper emotions in your target audience. It’s worth looking into color psychology– one great example is the fact that yellow and red have been determined to increase customers’ appetites. You might be able to picture some fast-food chains that utilize yellow and red within their branding!
The perfect balance of colors for your sign will attract attention without overwhelming your potential customers. Keep it simple– stick to a limited palette.

4. Work with Sign Professionals
Does all of the above seem like a lot to keep straight when designing and installing your new business sign? It can be overwhelming for business owners to determine which type of sign will be the most effective for their businesses.
Don’t worry, though: the experts here at Wrapology have been doing this for a long time. We’re able to provide insight and advice about every single step of the way, from initial brainstorming and design to final installation and maintenance.
If you’re ready to get started or simply have a few questions for us, don’t hesitate to give us a call today!